Mrs. Mercier’s Story

Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation Stories from our Visitors

If you have already read Nicole's Story, you have a pretty good idea what this section of the website is all about. After several women emailed their breast augmentation stories to us, we thought it would be great to have women share their full-length recovery stories after their breast implant surgeries for everyone's benefit. Thankfully, many women have contributed, some in more detail than others.

Here are the stories of our visitors. Many names have been changed for privacy. Where appropriate, there is detail in parentheses so you can decide if you are interested. Click on a name to read.

A Change of Perspective

I never particularly thought about breast enhancement. In the past I've known women to have it done and could always tell. Their round perfect breasts looked like imposters of the real thing. In addition to stigma of insecurity, many men claim to take women with larger augmented breasts less seriously, so I wondered why so many women would choose the knife to change what God gave them. So what has taken me from a 34a to 34d… a change of perspective.

Over the past few months I've noticed more women whose breasts seemed to look and feel natural, who had actually had them augmented. I suppose it was then I started wondering... I was already in shape, having breasts might be nice. Of course, the vanity of it is alluring, but I was concerned about the health risks so I began the research... Dr. after Dr. testimonial after testimonial, FDA reports, implant comparisons, saline or silicone, second and third generation improvements, incision sites, profiles, news articles, friend testimonials, and a few "consultations". Finally, I was ready to make my decision. When the time came, it all came down to desired look, acceptable risk, and the advice and help of a very talented plastic surgeon. I chose 425 cc silicone high profile implants from Allergen.

Day 1: Surgery Day!

Going into surgery I was a bit nervous. Having never had so much as a broken bone, I was concerned about effects of the anesthesia. Not waking up or, worse, being awake for the procedure but paralyzed unable to say anything. Silly as it seems, there is really not much known about the way anesthesia works in the brain so for some people it is actually a
reality! As I was wheeled into the OR, I tried to stay positive...being medicated helped. My anesthesiologist was warm & professional. He is a Board Certified Dr., so as he began to administer the anesthesia I asked him about his background. My nurse, Susan was an angel. Her warmth, attentive and caring nature made the experience unforgettable.

From this point, the rest is a blur. As my bed was relaxed into a laying position, I recall feeling the anesthesia making me cough. My nurse put a small pillow under my head, then lights out! When I woke up, I immediately noticed 2 lumps on my chest. I was foggy for most of the day but pleased I didn't look like Betty Boop. They were a nice size for my frame.

Day 2:

I woke up, felt great. I'm not sure if it is the affects of the anesthesia or medication, but I experienced absolutely no pain. Everyone told me I would be an invalid for a week so I had a good friend taking care of me but truthfully, I had to remember not to move them over my head so that I could heal... I could have done cartwheels.

Day3 & 4 Doctor's Orders

A relaxing weekend. My energy level came in 3 hour intervals which was convenient for movie watching. By this time, the sensation had begun to return to my nipples and areolas. I began to feel a burning sensation behind my right areola and was concerned, but my fears were put to rest after speaking to the office manager at my Doctor's office that Sunday. probably just nerves, a normal sensation at this point. (I had my incision under my inflammatory fold).

Day 5: Back to Work

I could have waited another day as I was still a little out of it from the meds though physically I was fine... My muscles were sore, like I put in a mild workout at the gym but nothing more than that. I was taking vicodin now only at night to relax and sleep.

Day 7: Uneven Dropping

I notice my left breast is much higher and larger than my right. I like the left better. My Doctor assured me uneven dropping is the rule, however, I wonder if there any relation to this and the strange sensation in my right areola over the weekend... I will give it some time and check back in to let you know.

A special thanks to my plastic surgeon for giving me the most beautiful breasts! His expertise, attention to detail, wisdom, and artistic eye resulted in the natural, voluptuous look I desired. Dr. Cruise was able to translate my desires into reality and guide me through a process that turned out to be one of the easiest things I've done. I experienced very little pain and discomfort. Though it is difficult to differentiate between a good and great Plastic Surgeon, my advice for anyone considering plastic surgery... research, research, research! It is worth it. Now even my previously augmented friends are jealous đŸ˜‰

- Mrs. Mercier

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