Anonymous’s Story

Breast Implants and Breast Augmentation Stories from our Visitors

If you have already read Nicole's Story, you have a pretty good idea what this section of the website is all about. After several women emailed their breast augmentation stories to us, we thought it would be great to have women share their full-length recovery stories after their breast implant surgeries for everyone's benefit. Thankfully, many women have contributed, some in more detail than others.

Here are the stories of our visitors. Many names have been changed for privacy. Where appropriate, there is detail in parentheses so you can decide if you are interested. Click on a name to read.

Best Decision Ever Made

My plastic surgeon was Dr. Richard Dowden
I've always had a small chest for my frame and weight, always felt uncomfortable in summer clothing especially swimwear. Never thought I'd actually go through breast augmentation until I realized how breast tissue changes after nursing for 6 months. Two years after having my son, I decided it was time to take action and research breast augmentation on the internet.

During my search, I came upon this site which provided me with tons of info and pictures which made me want the surgery even more. The physician link took me to Dr. Richard Dowden's website. The site is full of great information for women who would like breast augmentation or just looking for information.

Dr. Dowden is a very professional, well experienced physician, who treats his patients as individuals. I had a great experience, have had no problems, everything went as planned and continue to enjoy my new breasts (so is my husband).

Breast augmentation is a life changing experience. I feel more confident, my posture has improved, I now can purchase any type of clothing I like without the worry that the top will be too big, I constantly receive compliments on my figure while trying on clothing. I've even joined a gym to maintain my figure, stay healthy and enjoy Dr. Dowden's great work..."Breasts". One of the best decisions I've ever made.

Age: 30
Race/Color: Caucasian
Children: 1, 1 breastfed
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs.
Size: I went from an AA cup to a D cup
Implant Manufacturer: Mentor
Implant Fill: Saline
Implant Size: 350 cc's, filled to 350 cc's
Implant Profile: Regular
Implant Shape: Round
Implant Surface: Smooth
Implant Placement: Above the muscle
Incision: Belly Button (tuba, navel)

Plastic Surgeon: Richard V. Dowden, M.D., Mayfield Hts., Ohio I found my plastic surgeon on ImplantInfo and I would recommend my plastic surgeon to others.

- Anonymous

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